IndianTopStory – an initiative by a blogger and news reporter. Updating is mainly focused on serving the fastest reader with the latest information. A large number of writers work on this news blog around the clock Refresh Time’s primary aim was to have a loyal readership of those who watch online news via mobile or internet We are committed to providing timely and accurate news on various topics, including business, sports, lifestyle, weird, astrological, national and international events as well as content that would interest our users.
The story of yesterday All Individuals responsible for establishing this news site had one thing in mind when they planned it initially. This concept took almost one year to come into being because we prioritize user satisfaction first when it comes to social media, news and technology. IndianTopStory wishes to provide its readers with fun and functional knowledge that will make their lives easier while also satisfying their reading desires.
The site has lots of latest news, entertainment and movie reviews. Stock market, web series tech, cars etc are TV Shows With Tech News Articles.
Ajit Dake is the founder of’s founder is Ajit Dake who also strategizes content for the site. He has been one of the most successful bloggers and YouTubers in India. Since 2024 he has been writing blogs and many have become quite popular.
Ajit Dake is the CEO and Editor-in-Chief at He has an M.Sc in Agriculture and teaching experience as well as a blogger and digital marketer over eight years now. I’ve partnered with multiple companies and websites.